Tuesday, June 29, 2010





安排了明天1.30,虽然是小手术,但我的心情是:很害怕~~~ T_T 不知道那过程是怎么样的?手术费也是个问题,haiz...有点烦恼着。。 希望一切顺利,都能解决得了,不要害怕Ivy!! 要好起来,加油~加油~加油!!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

我对你, 实在太差了...

09/06/2010, 星期三

今天和你说话的时候, 被朋友的眼神提醒了, 虽然他们是笑着的...
可是还是让我感觉到, 我对你太凶了... 而你, 却对我太好了... =___=

分手后, 你要求还是叫我baby, 那是我们在一起时常叫对方的..
你也常常对我说, i love u
虽然被爱是幸福的, 可是现在我不想拥有你的爱...!
现在的我们已分手了, 我也要求过你, 不要再这样叫我,
但你说嘴巴是你的, 我岂能阻止的了?
我也无可奈何... @_@

我发现你对我的好感动不了到我, 反而让我有点讨厌你,
你这样做会让我感到厌倦, 你始终不知道我要的是什么..

我相信, 爱是美在无法拥有...
因为你对我的好, 让我充分的拥有了, 根本就不懂得珍惜..
如果有一天, 你不再对我好, 那时的我不晓得会不会怪你, 对我那么差?
会或不会, 我都没资格去说了...

我不能掌握未来, 你也不能

我的想法会很可恶, 很自私吧??
因为看见了我对你的态度, 我好想对你好一点,
像朋友一样, 不排斥你..

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


07/06/2010, 星期一


早晨8.30, 没去上课=p 我和胞姐来到的了我们的教堂, 是第一次参加教堂婚礼哦! 哈哈~xD 来为我们的妈咪(我们受洗的代母, 我们叫她妈咪^^)见证他们的婚礼...
新娘来了, 很漂亮!! 真的赞啊~!! uncle牵着妈咪一步走的走进来, 交给在教堂里等候多时的新郎, 那一幕真的很感人.. 我深受感触... 接着是教堂的结婚仪式...

在教堂里 Henry & Angela

在教堂外拍的, 妈咪很漂亮吧♥.♥

还有我们的合照 xD

晚上, 我们也参加了他们的酒席.. 我的猪姐姐也在..

开香滨仪式 和 敬酒仪式


妈咪的婚礼圆满成功, 感谢天主
我看见妈咪露出了幸福的笑容... 我也很开心^^
照片里也看的出吧? 哈哈..

Sunday, June 6, 2010


06/06/2010, Sunday

Today is the end of a week holiday in June...

7 in the morning, i was awaken by my phone alarm.. The alarm tone is really noisy, no choice, it cannot be changed.. ~.~ Grrhh.. It's Sunday, i want to sleep longer time, want to wake up late...x.x Some more, i didn't sleep well at night, feel like something disturbing me the whole night.. Seriously, nobody can help me.. Haiz.. Bo bian, I need to work... sob..T__T

Because of some salt water, i was late, when i reached to my workplace, my friend asked: y u so late? untie 'diao' ren liao lo... -(
actually i guess it already but still thinking how to explain to her) errmm..
Autie suddenly appeared behind me, arrhh.. Quicky, i said, sorry i was late, becoz i'm not feeling well and i was sick for last few days.. Autie looked at my pale face (not enough sleep and oso using too much of BB cream causing my face looked very bright), i thought i will scolded by her at 1st, but i heard this: Aiyoo.. You should drink more liang teh ar, did you? See then know u did not! Look, your bottle is so small, where got drink enough water.. U better go home and rest now, you're sick cannot work too.. Don worry, let her handle ur work today ok? Go go.. Go back home now..

WHOO~ She chasing me back home to rest!! o_o Actually i wanted to find some reasons to back up myself arr, who knows she gave me leave~.~" I went back to my car and laugh like crazy!! AHAHAHA~~ It's so unbelievable!! But, please.. BELIEVE IT! Wakakaka ^^v
Faster drove away lur.. Before she changes her decision..xD

Ps: Until now i still wondering i was lucky to get this escape or it's a waste because didn't turn up to work.. hmm... >__<

Saturday, June 5, 2010

无泪之城, 三月里的幸福饼

07/06/2010 , 星期六 (下)

哈哈..还不到一天却把名换了, 突然想起这给我印象很深刻的名字--无泪之城
还记得是在一部戏看到的, 仙剑奇侠传吧? 里面说着, 这名字听起来好象城里的人们是过着很开心的, 不会掉眼泪.. 可是相反的, 它也有个意思, 说着: 泪已流干, 既是无泪. 没想到吧..?

我也希望我的泪已经流干, 我不想在为了伤心和难过的事而流泪.. 即使是心痛, 可是那样会很痛苦吧..


因为带病所以呆在家3天了, 真的好闷啊.. 线上游戏也玩厌了, 看到电脑都晕哦..@_@
看到书架上有我的爱书, 张小娴的作品哦!! ♥.♥ 挑了一本重念, 书名是 [[三月里的幸福饼]] , 是她的小说之一, 我很喜欢她的作品, 因为内容很好..


以前的人, 可以为了一段爱情而不离别, 付上很多代价.
现在的人, 可以为了这些而放弃一段感情. 离别, 只为了寻找更好的东西.

在我16岁时, 曾经想过, 离别是为了重聚, 那时的我误会了这个意思, 我和一个我很舍不得他离开我的人分离了.. 我以为等到我们再相聚的那天一定会很美好. 可是3年后的今天, 我竟然连他的一点消息也没有了,我们应该不会有相聚的机会了...

时间让回忆变的美丽, 或许活在那段记忆里会比较幸福吧..

这故事结局不是很好, 可是它让我明白到在我们的生命里会遇到重要的两个人,

结局是两个相爱的人分离了, 因为事业不同让男主角觉得两人不适合结婚, 这时作者说:
爱, 美在无法拥有---
对吧? 人在没有爱时才很渴望得到爱情,

First Day, First Blog

05 June 2010, Saturday

I realized most of my friends, including my dear sister having a blog here =D it makes me feel interested to have 1 too. Haha.. That's why i am here with a begin.. :)

Why is it call love in this blog? Love is powerful, it brighten a person's life with happiness. So, i want to enjoy the love in this blog, hope it can brighten my day too xD

I believe that most of the blogger will share their love story in the part of their blog. Otherwise, life stories, experiences and feelings.
I do not have love for couple right now, so i getting the full love from my family, it is warm, i like it♥ Especially when i am facing some difficulties on myself, like this time, i suffering it, they are very supporting and giving lots of comfort to me. Thanks a lot my family..
But of course sometimes, they use the wrong way to present their cares, i really hate it!=___=

About my partner, i just broke up with my ex boyfriend this year march, i thought we can just end it easily, but until now he never give up on me, he won't understand what i am thinking.. He is really a nice man, very caring and always putting me at 1st place. The problem should be time, we met at the wrong time.. Sometimes, i don't like him also because he is very suspicion (asking too much), love is not controlling, i do not want to be the bird in the cage!

Freedom please~ ^^

Dunno when will i meet the right person again, i find myself hard to accept to go into a new relationship now.. it's hard to trust? or i am worrying too much to be fool again..? hmm...